État membre : Danemark
Nombre d’habitant : 56 653
Superficie terrestre et maritime : 4 444 223 km2
Green Overseas is a programme that brings together 25 European and British overseas countries and territories, from the poles to the tropics.
No result.
State: United Kingdom
Capita: 5,633
Land and sea area: 1.9 million km2
State: United Kingdom
Number of inhabitants:no permanent population
Land and sea area: 1.24 million km2
State: United Kingdom
Number of inhabitants:3,354
Area of land and sea: 478,173 km2
State: United Kingdom
Capita: 64,185
Land and sea area: 464,053 km2
Member State: France
Number of inhabitants:6,125
Land and sea area: 10,242 km2
Member State: United Kingdom
Number of inhabitants:46,131
Land and marine area: 155,016 km2
Member State: United Kingdom
Number of inhabitants:5,373
Land and sea area: 7685 km2
Member State: United Kingdom
Number of inhabitants:66,498
Land area: 264 km2
EEZ: 119,137 km2
Member State: United Kingdom
Capita: 15,500
Land and sea area: 91 km2
EEZ: 92,179 km2
Member State: Kingdom of the Netherlands
Number of inhabitants:42,577
Land and sea area: 34 km2
EEZ: 499 km2
Member State: Kingdom of the Netherlands
Number of inhabitants:3,139
Land and sea area: 21 km 2
EEZ: 1,107 km2
Member State: Kingdom of the Netherlands
Number of inhabitants:1,933
Land and sea area: 13 km2
EEZ: 8,033 km2
Member State: Kingdom of the Netherlands
Number of inhabitants:152,369
Land and sea area: 444 km2
EEZ: 30,427 km2
Member State: Kingdom of the Netherlands
Inhabitants: 20,104
Land area: 288 km2
EEZ: 13,218 km2
Member State: Kingdom of the Netherlands
Number of inhabitants:107,457
Land area: 180 km2
EEZ: 25,199 km2
Member State: France
Number of inhabitants:approx. 10,000
Land area: 21 km2
EEZ: 2,665 km2
Member State: United Kingdom
Number of inhabitants:37
Land area: 47 km2
EEZ: 836,000 km2
Member State: France
Number of inhabitants:11,558
Land area: 142 km2
EEZ: 262,566 km2
State: France
Number of inhabitants:271,407
Land area: 18,576 km2
EEZ: 1,364,591 km2
Member State: France
Number of inhabitants:278,786
Land and sea area: 3,521 km2
EEZ: 4,793,620 km2