Legal information
The website is published by the French Agency for International Technical Expertise (hereinafter referred to as "Expertise France" or "EF"), a simplified joint stock company with a capital of €828,933.00, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 808 734 792
.Headquarters address and contact:
- Address : 40 Bd de Port-Royal, 75005 Paris
- Telephone: 01 70 82 70 82 -
Jeremy Pellet
The editorial content of the Site is decided and updated by the Program GO communications
Commercial Register Number
Address and phone contact
Expertise France welcomes you to its information and mobilization site on the program GO project.
Any connection to the site is subject to compliance with these conditions. For the Internet user (hereinafter referred to as the user), simply accessing the site implies acceptance of all the conditions described below and a commitment to respect them. These conditions of use may be modified or completed at any time, so users of the site are invited to consult them regularly.1) Site presentation
The purpose of is to introduce the Green Overseas program.
Expertise France strives to provide information on the site that is as accurate as possible. However, it cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and shortcomings in the updating, whether they are of its own making or of the making of third-party partners who provide it with this information.
This website ( was created and is maintained with the financial support of the European Union. The contents are the sole responsibility of Program GO and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
2) Intellectual Property and Counterfeits
Expertise France holds all copyrights on this site and on the services offered. Therefore, you are prohibited from selling, adapting, modifying, reproducing, broadcasting transmitting or using in any other way, all or part of the site and the services offered, in any form or by any means whatsoever, on any current or future medium.
Any unauthorized exploitation of the site or any of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of Articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.
3) Limitations of liability
Expertise France cannot be held responsible for direct and indirect damage caused to the user's equipment, when accessing the site either from the appearance of a bug or an incompatibility.
Expertise France cannot also be held responsible for indirect damages (such as loss of market or loss of opportunity) resulting from the use of the site Modifications to the present general terms of use
Expertise France reserves the right to modify, at any time and without notice, these terms of use in order to adapt them to changes in the site and/or its operation.5) Integrity of the contract
If one or more of the clauses of these terms and conditions of use were to be declared null and void pursuant to a law, regulation or following a final decision rendered by a competent court, the other clauses of the terms and conditions would retain their binding force within the limits of said decision.6) Jurisdiction of Courts
. These general terms of use and legal notices as well as the website are governed by the provisions of French law.
Failing to find an amicable solution within a reasonable period of time, any disputes that may arise in the use of the site, or in the interpretation and application of the general conditions of use will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts. -
Le Site Green Overseas met à disposition des Utilisateurs un formulaire de contact impliquant de la gestion et du traitement de données personnelles par Expertise France.Les données personnelles désignent toute information permettant d’identifier et de désigner individuellement les Utilisateurs du Site en tant que personne physique.
Les données personnelles traitées par ce formulaire sont le nom et le prénom des Utilisateurs, leur adresse email, leur fonction, leur organisme de rattachement, ainsi que les éléments liés à leur demande (objet et contenu).
Leur traitement a pour finalité la mise en relation entre les utilisateurs et Expertise France.
Expertise France conservera les données personnelles des utilisateurs le temps de traiter leur demande.
Vos données à caractère personnel sont conservées uniquement le temps nécessaire à la réalisation de la finalité pour laquelle nous traitons ces données : 3 ans.
Green Overseas garantit aux Utilisateurs dont il traite ou il a traité les données personnelles les droits suivants:
Droit d’accès: les utilisateurs peuvent accéder à tout moment aux données personnelles collectées les concernant ;
Droits de rectification: les utilisateurs peuvent demander à tout moment à ce que les données personnelles les concernant soient rectifiées ;
Droit d’opposition: les utilisateurs peuvent refuser à tout moment le traitement des données personnelles les concernant ;
Portabilité des données personnelles: les utilisateurs peuvent demander à recevoir les données personnelles les concernant sous une forme structurée. Ils peuvent également demander le transfert de leurs données personnelles à un autre responsable du traitement des données ;
Droit de suppression: les utilisateurs peuvent demander à Green Overseas de supprimer, en tout ou en partie, les données personnelles les concernant ;
Droit à la limitation du traitement: les utilisateurs peuvent demander à Green Overseas de traiter seulement en partie les données personnelles les concernant.Pour obtenir des informations concernant ces droits, exercer ces droits ou poser des questions concernant le traitement de leurs données personnelles, les utilisateurs peuvent envoyer un courriel à . Les Utilisateurs doivent motiver leur demande d’exercice des droits relatifs aux données personnelles détenues par Green Overseas.
Politique de gestion des Cookies
Un cookie (ou témoin de connexion) est un fichier texte stocké par votre navigateur, qui lui permet de conserver des informations entre les pages internet et les sessions de navigation. Ces cookies nous permettent de conserver les informations sur votre navigation. Ils nous aident aussi à comprendre le comportement des utilisateurs sur notre site, nous permettant ainsi de rendre votre expérience plus agréable.
Type de cookies
Nous utilisons des cookies afin de mesurer l’audience de notre site Internet.
Cookies tiers
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn et Google peuvent implémenter des cookies utiles au partage du contenu sur les réseaux sociaux ou pour l’élaboration de statistiques d’accès. La présence, le nombre et le statut de ces cookies peuvent dépendre de votre utilisation des plateformes en question avant ou pendant votre visite sur notre site Internet. Nous n’avons pas de contrôle sur l’usage de ces fonctionnalités par ces acteurs. Nous vous invitons à prendre connaissance de la politique de gestion de ces cookies de réseaux sociaux sur les sites concernés.
Toute question, tout litige découlant de l’interprétation, de l’application, de la mise en œuvre des présentes conditions est soumise au Droit français. Après une tentative de résolution amiable dans un délai d’un mois à compter de leur survenance, les litiges seront portés devant les tribunaux français compétents en raison de leur objet. -
Confidentiality policy
The Green Overseas Site provides Users with a contact form involving the management and processing of personal data by Expertise France.Personal data refers to any information enabling the Users of the Site to be individually identified and designated as a natural person.
The personal data processed by this form is the surname and first name of Users, their email address, their job title, the organisation to which they are attached, as well as information relating to their request (subject and content).
The purpose of processing this data is to put Users in contact with Expertise France.
Expertise France will keep users' personal data for as long as it takes to process their request.
Your personal data will only be kept for the time necessary to achieve the purpose for which we are processing the data: 3 years.- USERS' RIGHTS
Green Overseas guarantees the Users whose personal data it processes or has processed the following rights:
Right of access: Users may access their personal data at any time;
Right of rectification: users may at any time request that their personal data be rectified;
Right to object: users may object at any time to the processing of their personal data;
Portability of personal data: users may request to receive their personal data in a structured form. They may also request the transfer of their personal data to another data controller;
Right of deletion: users may ask Green Overseas to delete all or part of their personal data;
Right to limitation of processing: users may ask Green Overseas to process only part of their personal data.To obtain information concerning these rights, to exercise these rights or to ask questions concerning the processing of their personal data, Users may send an e-mail to . Users must give reasons for their request to exercise their rights in relation to personal data held by Green Overseas.
Cookie management policy
A cookie is a text file stored by your browser, which allows it to retain information between web pages and browsing sessions. These cookies enable us to keep information about your browsing. They also help us to understand user behaviour on our site, enabling us to make your experience more enjoyable.
Type of cookies
We use cookies to measure the audience of our website.
Third-party cookies
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google may implement cookies useful for sharing content on social networks or for compiling access statistics. The presence, number and status of these cookies may depend on your use of the platforms in question before or during your visit to our website. We have no control over the use of these functions by these parties. We invite you to read the policy for managing these social network cookies on the sites concerned.
Any question or dispute arising from the interpretation, application or implementation of these terms and conditions shall be governed by French law. After an attempt at amicable resolution within one month of their occurrence, disputes will be brought before the French courts with jurisdiction over their subject matter.